Wide Blade Sweep Plow
(5' to 7' V-blades)
Overview: Often generically called 'Noble blades' due to the Canadian manufacturer, these implements are perhaps the ultimate steel force for weed management. Reinforced, box-beam frames support a single V-shaped blade per section. Overlapping blades 5' to 12' wide run 3" to 6" below the surface to cut off roots of any tall plant, while leaving the weed stems and crop firmly embedded at the surface. The implement can leave 85 to 95 percent residue on the surface if operated at least 3" deep.
The blades will kill any tap root but may not disturb shallow-rooted weeds. Pull-behind mulch treaders will uproot these little weeds. Recommended use is at a depth 0.5" to 1.0" above the moisture line, so that weeds will have no moisture to revive them after being severed. Adjustment is critical, but often left unchecked. The blades must be level side to side, and turnbuckles must be set to relieve any pressure between frame-lift cylinders.
Hard-surfaced blades self-sharpen, increasing weed kill and operating depth consistency while decreasing draft. Avoid running repeatedly at the same depth to reduce plowpan tendency.
Design Features: The V-base is constructed of angle iron with its angled edge facing upward. The V-blade is bolted to the leading edge, its arms only slightly sweeping back on each side so that the blade wings run at nearly a right angle to the direction of travel. Welded steel plates create rigid upright standards. Shear bolts or hydraulic cushioning protect against obstructions.
Model for comparison: 31' folding frame, 5' blades (no mulch treaders)
Rec. PTO HP: 150
Speed: 5 to 6 mph
List price: $21,660
Width range (all makers/all models): 14.3 to 66.5'
Farmers: Berning, Jacobson, Reeder
Contact: Agriculture Machinery Parts
Phone: 86(0)15869109368
Tel: 86-571-89967020
E-mail: dawopu@gmail.com
Add: Hangzhou City Zhejiang Province China