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Tillage Tools: Sweeps, Spikes, Disc and Coulter Blades and More!

Tillage Tools: Sweeps, Spikes, Disc and Coulter Blades and More!

Looking for the right tillage tools to fit your specific need? Look no further. AGEP Produce and offers a complete line of tillage tools and replacement/wear parts. Our sweeps, spikes and blades are made from high quality steel, our chrome caps offer long life and our hardfacing outlast others. We have your answer to tough soil conditions.

Why Purchase Your Tillage Tools from AGEP?

Quality Products at Affordable Prices

At AGEP, we have been making reliable and affordable tilling and spraying equipment for nearly 20 years. If you want the maximum in durability, check out our hard-to-find hardfaced options on nearly all our sweeps and spikes. All our hardfaced items are done in-house and have excellent wearability and a fantastic price!

Here are some of the different tillage tools we offer:

  • Field cultivator sweeps, plain, hardfaced sweeps and turbo sweeps
  • Chisel penetrator sweeps, hardfaced and chrome-capped
  • Chrome-capped chisel spikes
  • Chisel sweeps, flat wings and fast wings with optional hardfacing
  • Chisel heel sweeps
  • Disc blades
  • Coulter Blades – plain, fluted, crucible, turbo or wavy
  • Hardfaced “V” Sweep plow blades
  • Moldboard Plow Replacement Parts- Plowshares, landsides, moldboards

For great prices and knowledgeable personnel – call us today!

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Contact Us

Contact: Agriculture Machinery Parts

Phone: 86(0)15869109368

Tel: 86-571-89967020


Add: Hangzhou City Zhejiang Province China